Mission and vision
What and who is Esocratia?
A positive attitude
Love for Wisdom
Positivity training
Burnout prevention
body, mind and soul

A positive attitude



Good for ourselves, society and our mother earth

The power and control of good thoughts cause
good feelings and actions for our environment and ourselves.

How can we apply this information in a practical sense?

Good attitude in our organization:

How would each employee feel if he/she had the benefit of regular
sessions with a teacher of meditation, or Tibetan yoga, or positive
thinking and relaxation techniques as a matter of course?

How would your organization be affected if you created the possibility
for your employees to practice meditation regularly in the workplace?

Meditation is neutral in the sense that it is common to all religions and
traditions. It fits extremely well in an organizational culture, wherein top
management is not exclusively concerned with profit,  but also view the
promotion of personal happiness, deep contentment and inner peace
as important goals in their organization.

Good attitude for more profit in work:

It is commonly accepted that employees who are fit with a positive
attitude are more productive. Can a business save money by investing
in the health of their employees? The answer is a resounding YES.
Healthy employees with a positive attitude translate into profits for both parties.

A good attitude for yourself:

If we regularly team up with people who radiate positive energy at work,
if people learn how to recharge their batteries in the workplace with 
relaxation exercises, positive results will quickly become apparent.
What happens during traffic jams, where we experience stress daily?
How will relaxed people react when someone suddenly squeezes in
front of them? Positive, relaxed people allow the intrusion without stress
... even with an inner smile!